Flemish Banks Monitoring Network API

Version: 2.0.2

Through this API you can fetch the Data of the Flemish Banks Monitoring Network


  • All JSON requests and responses are described using JSON schema

Security and Dataformat

POST /Token - Login

Posting the properties below in URL encoded format will return a response with an Access Token.
Only "password" is supported at this moment
The username to login, in most cases this is your email adress.
The password to login.
All the subsequent requests must have the resulting Bearer Acces Token in the HTTP headers:
Authorization: Bearer 1234567890ABCDEF......
The response has a property expires_in. This is the amount of seconds the acces_token will be valid. A new token should be requested before it expires.
The properties ".expired",".issued" and "username" are obsolete and a target of deletion in the future.

Log In
Log Out


Currently the API supports JSON and XML. Switching between versions can be done via the Accept HTTP Header.
We strongly recommend the JSON format. It is faster to generate and uses less data traffic.
Accept: application/json

Accept: application/xml

API Calls

GET /V2/ping

The ping request can be used to check if this system is up and running and/or if it is reachable through your companys firewalls. You don't need to be logged in to call this request.
A second usage for this command is to check the login system. If you are successfully logged in, the response will contain a Customer Property, otherwise this property remains null.

GET /V2/catalog

The catalog contains a description of all the data.
This descriptions contains, customer details, a list of locations with details, a list of parameters with details and a list of available data (Location - Parameter Combinations). The CurrentInterval property in the Parameter description shows the current interval in minutes of the Data. This can change over time ,although this does not happen a lot. In the ProjectionWKT property the projection is defined of the geographical information used in the API. This uses the WKT (Well Known Text) Definitions.

GET /V2/currentData

The currentData request returns a list of the latest known values of all the Available Data.
This list can be filtered when needed. Possible filter ID's can be retrieved via the catalog.

POST /V2/getData

With getData you can get a range of data. You can give a start and end date and a list of ID's. This are the ID's given in the AvailableData property in the Catalog.
The response also contain a From and Till field. These are the minimum and maximum Timestamp of the returned data (if any).

(Fetch the catalog first)